Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Good Bye My friend...May u rest in peace..

Today i'm not gonna quarrel with anyone..Please..I just want peace and silent now.. I still
couldn't control my emotion as crying is the only way to express my feeling in my heart.People couldn't realize how frail human's life is though people saying this everyday,could you?Yesterday,someone of my primary school friend text me and asked somethg about my other primary school friend,Jun Wei regarded somethg i thought was a silly joke. "I hearsay someone that JunWei was past away,right?" It sounds how silly this bad news is,bcauz as i known Jun Wei was recovering and barely to be cured from the cancer since last year..I were like..Wow?Are u kidding me?..but i started anxious about it,and so I phoned Mr Mar,a teacher who very care of us since primary school's age,what u guess?No one of us would accept the truth..
"He was a good boy,understanding boy and being a happy active boy..He was good in
basketball,any kind of sports he can..He was friendly,even he got a good result in school..He told
me that he got lots of ambitions,lots of dreams and so.." mother of Jun Wei chatting with us in
the funeral, it was weird,tears started screamed down my cheeks.I started whimpering in front
of others,i couldn't stop while his mother was talking about Jun Wei's life and what he does
before it happened,and so my mum was whimpered and trembled besides me as well. "Why does
God takes him away??He got his brightening future,and it's waiting for him as well!"as i were
muttering myself in my mind,the memory flashing back in my mind about him and my gang
when we were still small in primary school...I hope the people of one of our primary school's
,shall pray for him when they get this bad news. Lastly,friends,be appreciated what u ever had
now,don't be greedy,Mr Mar told us in mandarin,活得好好的却不想活好,有些拼命的想活下去也
I found out this photo recently..It was captured last year..

Friday, July 17, 2009

To the little two babies elek and bla

       Wow,I can't imagine two of u still making ur whining cacophonies in my blog,as i remarked

these few days what folks spoke in my blog,some were my frenz and others r both of u.I don't

see that elek and bla r the same person after LYM had came to me and spoke to me with his

shivering voice and so bla is disappeared in my blog ever after that.Obviously,everyone knows

who did it,i kept quiet for few these few days bcauz i giving opportunity to both of u to stop

this.Everyone noticed elek is still making complaint about me.Oh well,everyone has his/her foes

and people who their dislike,i'm lucky to be the one of them who u dislike.I can explore my

school life here with the truth,i'm a pretty noise high pitch singer in my class.Is it really disturb

others?WELL,I DID,LOL!But could u please think wisely what would there be when others

making group of conversations with freaking loud voice of laughing and even some of them

quarrel each then this is the reason,don't ya?I'm pretending in school?Well,i'm really

pretending to be seemed like happy everyday even it's mad, why is it so?I been hurt by people

who i didn't expect would betray me deeply and so still pretend pity that he didn't betray me

infront of my friends,eww..disgusting!Okay anyway, let's see ,according to leading

psychiatrists,bla's and  elek's a madness attitude and rude attitude for one of three

reasons.One,underneath all of that male bravado there's an insecure little girl banging on the

closet door trying to get out.Two,like a caveman,bla's and elek's

brain...underdeveloped.Therefore,both of u r unable to use self-control and so acts out

aggressively keen with insulting others' blog including the blog owner.AND the third reason

BOTH OF U HAVE A SMALL WIENER.I'm feeling devastated sad for u guys,and i'm not

insulting u bcauz i know it's so bad to insult others in blog especially here,why people making

blog and shout box here?Becauz this is the place where people need to relax and may wanted to

chat with friends in the way of peaceful with absent of being uneducated and rude manners idiot

arguments here.Try to be peaceful man and i even attempt to settle this perhaps u want

peaceful life or persevere to quarrel?Thats ur choice.Come and settle with me in school or u'd

really with small wiener to speak with me?Oh God,make sense man!Misunderstandings are sure

indeed hiding in it.And i'm here to thank you

for your golden time had been spending everyday in my blog.I appreciate it :D


Sunday, July 12, 2009


WoW!!!Transformers 2 -Revenge of the fallens is awesome and amazing man!!Friends dont laught

at me and bcauz of i'm too late to watch this movie in theater was fully booked last two

weeks..Finally my cousin gotcha by booking the tickets on the net!!:D:D Firstly,I thought this

TRANSFORMERS is bored thus i not even watch the previous episode of it! How regret! >.<

This movie is really drawing people's mind into its story xD what important is,i found that i should

improve my English so that i could communicate with those foreigners!!:D:D like those guai mui

ya....xD But anyway i did ask my mother what if i married with guai mui,and she said it's

fine!!Perhaps she knows how to talk properly english otherwise it'd happen "chick talks with

duck"(in cantonese ya) xDD

Friday, July 10, 2009


为什么我知道的秘密越来越多...这不是件好事丫!!而且人心难测,最毒妇人心!... 眼看就又要


Thursday, July 9, 2009






Sunday, July 5, 2009

又忙了一阵子! xD


怜的啊,他没半个朋友的!因为他那 slut face和性格和出卖和很多很多的原因而造成的~我很他有过

节?当然啊不然他哪会这么妒忌我啊~ 在这我要对他说:

Hi Slut bla bla bla, i know who r u =] let's see how pity r u?Purposely find someone help u to

translate for u to read my blog =D and see how pity u r ,being a chinese who cant even read

mandanrin! Wow slut, bie song ? come talk with me in school ,but not here =]

Sekian Terima Kasih xD